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Offers of the cosmetics department

the perfect opportunity for inner and outer beauty.

Aside from the classic treatments around bathing and health, a stay at a spa resort is also the perfect opportunity for inner and outer beauty.

In the cosmetics department of Ingrid and Theo Lichtenauer body and soul are “brushed up”. A long-lasting fascial, a nurturing bath or a vitalising massage - it’s all about individual beauty. We also offer a great variety of classic and innovative beauty treatments to make our guests look beautiful and relaxed even after their return home.

Why not book a combined lump-sum directly with your stay!

Department of cosmetics and physiotherapy
Ingrid und Theo Lichtenauer
Physiotherapists, remedial gymnastics instructor and lymph therapist

Kurallee 3, 84364 Bad Birnbach
Phone 08563 / 1451 oder 296293
Fax 08563 / 91638,

Opening hours:
Mondays - Fridays from 7:00 am to about 1:00 pm

Offers of the cosmetics department

Beauty for hands & feet

 Duration: ca. 45 min. € 42,-
inkl. Lack  € 44,-


Haut wie Samt und Seide
  • Rasul- oder Schokoladenbad
  • 1x Gesichtskosmetik »Intensiv«
  • 1x Nachtkerzenölbad
  • 1x Aromaganzkörpermassage
   € 180,-
Gesundheit Klassiker
  • 2 x Naturfango Ganzpackung
  • 2 x Rückenmassage
  • 1 x Fußreflexzonenbehandlung
   € 100,-
Physiotherapeutische Behandlungen abgestimmt auf Ihre medizinischen Problematiken
 Duration: ca. 60 min. € 75,-
Entspannung pur
Lymphdrainage, Aromabad im Wasserbett, Aromamassage Rücken  € 70,-
Fußpflege  € 42,-
Fußpflege inklusive Lack  € 44,-

Steam baths for body & soul

   € 20,-
Rasulbad inkl. Einölen des Körpers
   € 30,-
Schönheitsbad "Schokolade"
   € 32,-

Beauty baths

   € 24,-
Cleopatrabad im Wasserbett
   € 28,-
Individuelles Kräuterbad im Wasserbett
   € 24,-
Nachtkerzenölbad im Wasserbett
   € 28,-


Facial treatment “basic”
Cleanse, skin diagnosis, eyebrow correction, scrub, massage, mask, day care
   € 75,-
Special facial treatment “intensive” pursuant to Maria Galland
Cleanse, scrub, skin diagnosis, removal of blemishes, eyebrow correction, massage, vial, mask, eye treatment, day care
   € 110,-